Importance of protein after exercise and what to eat post- workout!

INTRODUCTION: When people hear “protein” and “exercise” in the same sentence, they’re most likely to picture images of bodybuilders eating tons of chicken and drinking protein shakes in order to maximise their gains. Protein is important for everyone who is hitting the gym, playing sports, going for runs or doing any other form of exercise, not just the pros. Protein is a major nutrient source for our bodies. Everybody should take protein in order to maintain their health. It helps to repair any internal or external damage, supports the immune system and contributes to an overall feeling of well-being. At a cellular level, proteins are used for just about everything, from transporting messages, carrying out the instructions of DNA and defending, preserving and repairing essential life functions. WHY DO YOU EXACTLY NEED PROTEIN? Exercise triggers the breakdown of muscle protein. The rate at which this happens depends on the exercise and your level of training, but even well-traine...