
Showing posts from November, 2019

Health is Wealth | Sunrise Nutrition Hub

Health is Wealth : We have been brought up to believe in a certain set of ideas about wellness and disease. These ideas have shaped how we live, how we maintain our health, how we deliver healthcare, and how we die. Those ideas are not only misguided but are also fundamentally false and harmful to your health, finances, and quality of life. Learning the truth can dramatically improve your well-being now— and decades from now—and may well give you added decades to enjoy living. The medical mythology myths are: - Disease is inevitable as the human body ages, and we all inexorably progress from a state of health and vitality to one of disease and decrepitude. - Disease is a separate state than the state of being in health. - Once you have a disease, you are a fundamentally different being. - Once disease takes hold, it's just a matter of time before it “gets you.” - The progression (or is it regression?) into more and more severe disease and disability is i...

Exercise and Weight Management: Importance & Benefits

Exercise and Weight Management : When you are overweight, you have more fat stored up in your body than is necessary or good for you. You become overweight and flabby when you eat more “ high-calorie food ” than your body can use. Foods such as fats, sugars, starches, etc., supply the energy your body needs for its work. If you eat more high-calorie foods than is required for your daily work the surplus is stored in the form of fat. Fat is stored under the skin and around the internal organs. Everyone has, or should have some fat on his/her body. However excessive fat storage, particularly about vital organs, impairs physical efficiency and health. Fat makes the heart work harder since each extra pound of body fat requires about one quarter of a mile of blood vessels. It is obvious, therefore, that you cannot acquire the highest level of physical efficiency when you are overweight. The accumulation of fat on your body can be prevented or reduced by eating less high-calorie ...